Friday, June 25, 2010, 8:30 PM
Lost of arrival

I just had tuition. It's been postponed to today.
I almost died AS USUAL.

ANYWAY, guess what.
I heard from debbie that Katy Perry's coming to Singapore!
( I dont usually put 'zxzx')
Sadly, it cost like 175 bucks shit and its freaking expensive for a singfest.
Considering that there're other artist coming as well which I'm kinda not interested so yeah, sucks shit :(
Worst, it's damn hard to see her at the airport cause security might be tight and we might not even get a chance to see her.
Adding on that my mum wont be paying this for sure, IT MEANS THAT I MIGHT NOT EVEN SEE KATY PERRY AT ALL. :(
Oh man, howwwwwwwww? I'm still waiting for her new album to be out!

Never mind, on the bright side, worldcup's gonna be much more exciting starting from Saturday!
The team who loses will be out from worldcup immediately.
And it's damn exciting to come to the point where both teams have to resort to penalty kick in order to win the match. Awesome much? So much suspense.
And tonight's gonna be a great one too!
Portugal versus Brazil.
Mann I really hope portugal will win since Brazil is alr going for the next round despite any consequences.

Hahaha how I wish everyone will be able to have an iphone/blackberry so that we can tweet and tweet on twitter all day long :p

Sunday, June 20, 2010, 1:09 PM

You know, I'm alr done with glee ):
This is so depressing because season 2 is not out yet.
And it's just a week more to school, damn hmk not done yet.

Their songs are so awesome, most of them are mainly from the 70s or 80s.
I know that sounds eew but their vocals are so fantastic.

Okay enough of Glee :)
Worldcup can be so addictive sometimes.
I totally support Argentina cause my dad bets on it.
And I'll get a 100 bucks if that country ever wins. Yay me!

Btw, Happy Father's Day!
Though my dad is loud, disgusting cause he farts loudly and takes hours just to shit and pollute the environment and gets agitated very easily and shouts "goal" extremely loudly when watching worldcup when almost everyone is asleep, I still love him cause he's awesome and could be caring at times and likes to treat us for dinner and he's a really great dad to be.
And so, we're gonna eat satay at home to celebrate father's day.
You know, usually people would rather go out and celebrate but that's my dad's wish to stay home and eat satay. LOL

And this thing of deprivation,
everyone seems to be so emo nowadays. ):
You guys cant promise that you can solve all your problems but believe me, you should face it and do it with your heart and not by your emotions.
As I believe, nothing beats more than telling yourself to stay strong and happy instead of letting your emotions control you. :)

Oh btw, I'm kinda active in twitter now (:

Wednesday, June 16, 2010, 6:14 PM

I guess yesterday has really made me realised something.
Something that I should have realised it long ago but I was blinded by what was happening around me, or things that I do not want to happen.
And now, I know what I'm doing now and it's definately should be right.

Sometimes, focusing on those priorities that we have now is better than focusing on what we've missed.
Aint it?
I mean, that does not mean that we have to ignore those stuff that we've lost but we just have to not take so much notice on it.

Well, so I'm gonna promise daryl to be real honest with him.
White lies are possible but not those really bad ones. LOL
As I believe, no matter how things go wrong, one thing for sure, mistakes really do help us find things that are really meant for us.
You cant deny it.

I took really long to post this up.
So I hope you would kinda read it...and be happy for me (:

People say that the bad memories cause the most pain..
But actually, it's the good ones that drive you insane.

Saturday, June 12, 2010, 4:09 PM

Sometimes I feel so outta hand.
It's just like something I can never control.
And I know it's really wrong but I cant help it.

For all I know, I'm really lucky right now and I should know what's right and wrong.
Things turn out best for the people who make the best of the way things turn out.
And I hope to be one of them. I can alright.

Does Katy Perry really have blue hair? LOL

If you wanted the sky,
I would write across the sky in letters
That would soar a thousand feet high
To sir, with love.

Friday, June 11, 2010, 9:32 PM

Wednesday's bday celebration at wilson's house was fun.
It's like kinda a really long time since I ever saw them as a whole.
Sadly, wy couldnt make it.

All I can say, the ice-cream cake was awesomee.
There was actually a small cake before the real one and we wanted to light it for 19 times since that's his age. haha
Well, it's kinda funny when one see one another and both act as if like nothing has ever happen at all.
Maybe it'll just cease the awkward-ness but in anyway, that didnt exactly work out for me.
For once, I'm still like a mute as always, denying everything as much as possible.
I guess I just dont have the courage to do what I'm able to do.
Sad aint it.
And I might as well predicted that it will be the same thing in the future.

As for now, I'm exhausted.
I had so much fun today with D. :)
We wanted to go shopping but didnt exactly work out that way.
I had a sudden craving for ice-cream so we ate at ben and jerry's.
And now I'm feeling guilty!
Well, I really needa report to the police for the lost of my IC soon.
Mass spam of Glee tmr ;)

Saturday, June 5, 2010, 6:58 PM

I just created twitter and now it's dead.

Thursday was a freaking sucky day cause I lost my wallet :(
I think I lost it on the bus?
Oh wait, I dont even remember tapping it in. Sigh.
Must this always have to happen every june hols?
Last year was bad enough, it sucks shit.
(I still will never forgive that ass who took it and never have the courage to return it back)
But luckily this time, I was stronger (:
HAHA though I lost my IC as well. Sighhhhhh.

I hate my flu. It sucks.
And my cough too. It's damn irritating.
And it's not getting any betterrrrrrrrrr.

I have the freaking show in my computer and I have not watch it yet!
The worst thing is, I havent completed gossip girl.
Omg such a loser righttt.